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Every dad snowboarder dreams of going side by side with his children down the ski slopes. The right age to start can be from three to four years old and up. When the child is that young, you can put him on the snow board and let him have the time of his life.
With proper equipment, the child can start sliding on the snow and experience the breezes of snowboarding. If you go snowboarding you can personally follow your child around by pulling and pushing him to start giving him the right feel.
If you put your child on skateboarding at an early age the skateboarding experience can only help your child have better balance during the first few slides on the snow.
Not a snowboarder? You can entrust your child to a teacher who will surely teach him or her the right technique to go downhill even at an early age!
It is very important for your child to be protected from the cold during his mountain outings in the snow and at the same time to have excellent breathability to prevent big sweats.
Under your child’s snowboard jacket you should always use excellent breathable underwear that will keep your child as dry as possible.
By underwear we mean a specially made thermal underwear or appropriate sweatshirts that will properly protect the young rider. above these two items an appropriate snowboard jacket can be used to complete the whole.
This layering increases the possibility of adjusting to the temperatures we may find during our outing.
Parents must always be careful that the child does not sweat too much. It is also very important that he is neither too hot nor too cold.
We know how caring and apprehensive moms are. So with a little bit of advice on this, you will be sure to have no problems in caring for your son or daughter when they are in the mountains.
Enter our catalog now to choose all the clothing for your child! The best solutions are waiting for you to best protect your child from the elements.
In our online shop you will find the best brands on the market. Also not only snowboard jackets but, everything you need for the mountains.
Also match the perfect pants to your jacket. At Pleasures you will find a wide selection so that tomorrow’s little champions won’t lack anything!
If you need assistance you can contact our customer service at any time. Shipping is free throughout the country starting from 49 euros.