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Definitely the skater behind Baker skateboards is definitely Andrew Reynolds. The skateboarder Andrew Reynolds who has always been around birdhouse needs to build something new for himself. Andrew Reynolds has been a rebellious skaters since the days and in birdhouse maybe there were too many rules to follow.
One evening in late 1999 in a meeting between Tony Hawk , Per Welinder and Andrew reynolds was decided the birth of baker skateboards and finally a brand that reflected the nature and spirit of the boss.
Reynold started Baker without his co founder J. Strickland the one who later created the Baker Brand logo that still most represents the brand today.
In 2007 Baker began to be distributed by Blitz Distribution the company that distributed Birdhouse and other brands at the time such as hook-ups and fury . Under blitz distribution Baker and top selling brand and its popularity grows by leaps and bounds across the planet.
In 2009 pro rider Leo Romero left Baker Skateboards and this decision caused a lot of buzz at the time and later Leo Romero was awarded in 2010 as skater of the year by thrasher magazine.
Later in 2011 is founded By Jim Greco Eric Ellington and Andrew Reynolds baker boys distribution and from that moment Baker becomes an increasingly independent company run by legendary skaters who continued in those years to invest in the team and in very powerful and stylistic skaters who could amaze with heavy and difficult tricks.
Following is added to the Bakerboys distribution family the Deathwish Skateboard brand a brand inspired by 80′ cult movies. The gang logo is similar to that of a famous New York City gang.
The attitude of Baker and the Bakerboys has always been one of looseness and celebration, and for years Friends and unofficial teams have been in close contact with Baker. Skaters like Dustin Dollin , Ali Boulala , erick Hellington .
Piss and drunk crew was their name and in those years they toured the states and the world doing the worst things and closing crazy tricks completely piss and drunk.
Boss Andrew Reynolds completely changes his life and starts a sober vira with healthy food and good habits. The climate is always free and unfettered ,but at least the boss always remains focus on the business to be done.
Today Baker with his team makes dreams and is definitely one of the most sought after skateboard brands and their boards if you notice are very fine and have a very light and sturdy construction. To skate a Baker board is definitely different from the others and you can feel the difference right away under your feet.
The videos shot by Baker Skateboards have always made a difference because of Andrew Reynolds’ skill as a director . The skate films that have featured and represented Baker the most are “Baker 2G” and Baker 3 .
Lately The team released the Baker 4 video that literally changed the game on the board. The filmer who is behind all of Baker’s video work is Ryan Ewing a famous and very talented film maker who has worked with Reynolds’ brand .
Baker 4 crowned pro Rowan zilla and Kader Sylla.
Baker 4 anointed the new team that is still making waves around the world. It was the debut for Jacopo Carozzi who after Baker 4 immediately became pro and joined the official team.
Team that consists of Sammy Baca , Kader Sylla , Tyson Peterson , Justin Figgy Figueroa , Kevin “spanky” long , Riley Hawk , Rowan Zorilla , Theotis Beasley and Dustin Dollin.
Lately Milan has become the center of European skateboarding and many crews pass through Milan to skait all the spots the city has to offer.
Milan Central Station is one example, the Baker team spent many days in Milan and you can still see them very often passing through the city’s spots.
The strongest Italian skaters ever is definitely Jacopo Carozzi who has conquered the world with his skateboarding and today Pro Baker like never before!
Andrew reynolds “the boss” who in addition to being the founder of the brand is also a pro skater who continues to ride with the younger pros on the team.
The boss is definitely one of the American street skaters who revolutionized the way we think about skateboarding. Those who have his front side kickflips in mind know what I’m talking about.
Baker Skateboard also boasts several collaborations with important artists , In all the collections we find very impactful and representative graphics .
Andrew Reynolds is the one who brought the level of street skating to a higher level, his historical sponsors are Independent trucks and Emerica who launched his shoe pro model more than 10 years ago.
The Reynolds Emerica has been depopulated all over the world for many years, but not long ago the pro skater announced to the world that he was leaving Emerica to move to Vans Shoes.
Now a few years later the American skaters joins the new balance team with very fresh prospects!
Reynolds began his career in the early 1990s, was noticed by
Tony Hawk who takes him on the birdhouse team. Andrew abused drugs and alchool during his teenage years and responsibly decided to change his life and figure out what was plaguing him and what was driving him to rampant substance abuse that also affected the way he skaited.
Andrew Reynolds came out of drugs and alchool and became an example for all, to this day and always a skater with exceptional qualities and his style and fs flips are always legendary all over the world.
Today Baker Skateboards is an extraordinary example for the whole world skateboard scene and the team is focus , serious with a new and clean attitude.
Always remains the desire to have fun of course ,but always in a responsible way because overdoing it is never good and excess is paid in life. And life is only one . Sometimes there is no second chance .
If you want to follow Baker Skateboards closely you can easily access their instagram page where you will find the latest clips from the team and the latest news.
To conclude the reasons to try a Baker Skateboard are many, choose the model that and the size that suits you, if you have any problems or doubts about your purchase do not hesitate to call or write us, we will respond as soon as possible.
you can find information on how to choose the right board in our blog.
Call us at our customer service if you need more assistance is choose now on our catalog your Baker board and buy safely.